Rider Insurance
Lime’s priority is the safety and well-being of our riders. To help protect our riders and our community, we have teamed up with leading micromobility insurance providers, to ensure that you’re covered when you’re riding with Lime.
What Insurance is Provided to Our Riders
Lime has obtained insurance coverage with respect to its own activities and the key risks to riders arising from the use of Lime vehicles. Our riders in most EMEA and APAC countries where we operate benefit from the following insurance coverage, at no additional cost, through an insurance policy obtained by Lime from its insurers. Coverages vary by country and region where you are riding. Please refer to the certificates link below for information about the insurance covers.
Rider’s Personal Accident Coverage
This insures a rider for severe bodily injuries that happen while riding a Lime vehicle, even if it is due to the rider’s own mistake and not the fault of Lime. Riders are insured above certain thresholds, based on the type and severity of injury, as set out in the linked certificates.

Rider’s Liability Coverage
This provides insurance coverage to a rider for bodily injuries caused by the rider to other persons. Riders are also insured for damage they cause to other persons’ property resulting from use of a Lime vehicle.
Please refer to the certificates below for the country where you are riding. For more information about the coverage, refer to Lime's Rider Insurance Overview.

If You’re in an Accident While Riding...
Check to make sure you and anyone else involved are safe.
Reach out to local emergency officials as needed.
Contact the Lime Customer Service Team via our customer support channels in the app.

Contact Support in the app by going to Help >> “I was in an accident” to submit a report.
Exchange contact information with the rider
Take photos of the incident, including the vehicle, vehicle ID, location etc
Secure as much information as you can
Once completed, attach all relevant information and email [email protected]
Lime recommends wearing a helmet at all times when riding a Lime vehicle.