More Major European Cities Pass 1 Million E‑Scooter Ride Milestone

It may just be a coincidence that the world’s leading e-scooter company surpassed 100 million rides during the same week that global climate strikes saw perhaps their largest turnout in human history.
Then again, maybe not.
According to Lime, one in four micromobility rides replaces a car trip, meaning that over the past two years 1,200,000 fewer gallons of gas have been burned and 9,000 metric tons of carbon emissions have been kept out of Earth’s atmosphere. These are concrete stats that resonate with environmentally-conscious city goers and demonstrate the major global impact that can be achieved by many small, daily transit decisions.
Perhaps nowhere are the effects of this change being felt more strongly than in Europe, where a rapidly increasing number of municipalities is not only embracing electric scooters, but amassing millions of rides on them in record time.
In just one year, riders in the Spanish capital have taken over a million trips on Lime electric scooters. The announcement comes less than a month after the company celebrated 1.5 million trips and 70,750 kgs of CO2 emission reductions country-wide.
“Madrid was the second European capital after Paris to launch electric scooters, and continues to be a leader in its use of sustainable mobility,” said Álvaro Salvat, Lime’s GM of Spain and Portugal. “We’re thrilled to be an active part of the change that we’re seeing all over the world thanks to the appearance of more efficient mobility alternatives adapted to the needs of the city.”
In Prague, residents and visitors have logged more than 1 million rides totalling nearly 1.8 million kilometers since launching in the Czech capital last fall. The local team attributes much of the success to an open an ongoing dialog with police, city leaders and road safety organizations like BESIP.
“We couldn’t be more appreciative of the efforts made by the Czech police and BESIP to cooperate with us on educational initiatives,” said Lime operations manager Ondřej Široký. “This collaboration adds weight to our joint efforts to ensure that scooters, whether shared or private, are safely incorporated into a city transportation network that serves the needs of all Prague residents.”
In Athens, Thessaloniki and across the Greek island of Crete, micromobility users have taken more than 1 million rides on Lime electric scooters. The announcement comes amid a European Mobility Week that has seen increased ridership in Greece in part thanks to country-wide discount codes.
“What we’re seeing is Greek riders using electric scooters for short distance trips within their cities to avoid road traffic and pollution,” said Yaniv Goder, GM of Lime in Greece. “After just 10 months, residents have established a consistent habit using Lime as an efficient, ecological way to satisfy everyday mobility needs, whether that’s going to work or visiting friends.”
To stay up to date on the connections between micromobility and current events around the world, subscribe to 2nd Street, or download the Lime app to take an electric scooter or bike ride in cities across Europe today.